Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


15. The editor, preferring a more terse writing style, cut 500 words from the
2,000-word article. Terse means
a. elegant.
b. factual.
c. descriptive.
d. concise.
16. Victor Frankenstein spent the last years of his life chasing his elusive mon-
ster, who was always one step of his creator. Elusive means
a. difficult to compare.
b. difficult to capture.
c. difficult to forget.
d. difficult to avoid.
17. Xiu’s timely joke served to diffuse the tension in the room, and the rest of
the meeting was highly productive. Diffuse means
a. to refuse.
b. to intensify.
c. to create.
d. to soften.
18. I completely lost track of Tula’s point because she kept digressing to unre-
lated topics. Digress means
a. to deviate, stray.
b. to regress, revert.
c. to change the tone.
d. to express concisely.
19. The senator evaded the question by changing the subject and accusing his
opponent of misconduct. Evade means
a. to escape or elude.
b. to answer indirectly.
c. to refuse to answer directly.
d. to deceive.

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