Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


◗ Common Prefixes
a-, an-: not, without
amoral (not moral), atypical (not typical)

ab-, abs-: from, away, off
abduct (to take by force), abnormal (away from or apart from the standard)

ante-: prior to, in front of, before
anterior (placed before), antedate (to proceed in time, come before)

anti-, ant-: opposite, opposing, against
antibiotic (substance that kills microorganisms), antidote (remedy for counter-
acting the effects of a poison)

circ-, circum-: around, about, on all sides
circumference (the outer boundary of a circle), circumstance (the conditions or
state of affairs surrounding or affecting an event, a particular incident, or
an occurrence)

co-, com-, con-: with, together, jointly
cooperate (to work together, comply), connect (to bind or fasten together)

dis-: away from, apart, reversal, not
dismiss (to send away from, eject), disobedient (not obedient)

ex-: out, out of, away from
exit (go out), expel (to drive out or away)

in-: not
inaccurate (not accurate), informal (not formal)

inter-: between, among, within
intercept (to stop someone or something between its starting point and desti-
nation), intervene (to come, occur, appear, or lie between two points of time
or things)
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