Likewise, the word venerate changes from a verb to an adjective to a noun,
depending upon its suffix.
Part of
Word Speech Definition
venerate verb to regard with deep respect or reverence; to
honor with a sense of awe, revere
venerable adjective worthy of deep respect or reverence; deserv-
ing of honor and respect;
venerator noun one who shows deep respect or reverence
Again, just knowing suffixes won’t enable you to determine the full meaning of
an unfamiliar word, but it can help you determine the function of the word, zero
in on its meaning, and eliminate incorrect answers on an exam. For example, if you
know that the suffix -ity means state of being, you know that a word with this end-
ing is probably a noun describing a state of being, such as equality (state of being
equal). Similarly, if you know that -ish is a common suffix for adjectives, you can
eliminate answer choices that do not match that part of speech.
Select the best answer to the question.
➥ Squeamish means
a. to scream or squeal.
b. recurring illness.
c. extremely shy.
d. easily disgusted.
Choices a and b are definitions for other parts of speech—a verb and a noun,
respectively. Only choices c and d define adjectives, and only choice d is correct.
Squeamish means easily sickened, disgusted, nauseated, or shocked.
While prefixes and suffixes are fundamental components of your vocabulary, it’s
important to remember that they are tools to use in conjunction with other vocab-
ulary skills.
For example, most words that end in -ishare adjectives describing a character-
istic. However, vanquishand varnishboth end in -ish,but they are both verbs, not
adjectives. Thus, as you come across vocabulary words with common prefixes and
suffixes, use your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes, but look for other clues to
meaning as well, including context (see Chapter 2) and word roots (see Chapter 4
and Appendix B) to be sure you are on the right track.