Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


is called etymology. When you break down a word and identify a root word from
another language, you are tracing the etymology or history of that word.

etymology: the history of a word, the study of its origin and development

Many words have a rich history, and a detailed etymological study will show you
not only where a word comes from but also how its meaning has changed over time.
For now, however, the focus of this chapter remains on learning some of the most
common roots so that you can better determine meaning and succeed on the

Don’t let the spelling of this word scare you! Mnemonics is a simple concept.
Meaning “memory aid,” mnemonics can be handy for helping you remember a
word’s root word, meaning, or spelling. The idea behind mnemonics is that peo-
ple remember best when more than one function of the brain is used to process
Simple mnemonics can be created from rhymes, tunes, or acronyms (words that
are made up of the first letters of a group of words or phrases. For example, the
acronym Roy G. Bivis a mnemonic used when learning the colors of the spectrum
(red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Mental pictures and stories are also
useful mnemonics.
Use mnemonic devices to remember the meaning of word roots. For example,
you can use the following sentences to remember these roots:

Root Meaning Sentence
nomen name My name is Nom.
herb plants My mother plants herbsin her garden.
graph write He will write the information on a graph.
pan all All the eggs are in the pan.
phil love Philloves to help others.

Here’s a trick to remember the difference between hetero(different) and homo
(same): homohas the same number of letters as same.


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