Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

in many situations. You may find you prefer nonsense words instead. As the
meaning of the sentence gradually becomes clear, you can start substitut-
ing words that might work in the sentence.

Obtaining a better vocabulary doesn’t have to be hard work. It mostly takes
curiosity. Remember those unfamiliar words you encounter in conversations or
while reading. Take them apart. Welcome them to your world. Share them with
your coworkers, friends, or family. You’ll be greatly rewarded for your efforts—
because long after you have finished this book and taken the TOEFL iBT, you’ll
still possess a wealthy vocabulary of English words!


If you are trying to gain admission into universities where instruction is in English
and this is not your native language, you will have to pass the TOEFL iBT (Test
of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based test). The reason for this is sim-
ple: Academic institutions want to be sure that you can read, write, and comprehend
spoken English so that you can succeed in the college classroom. Sometimes, this
test will also be used to evaluate you by many government, licensing, and certifi-
cation agencies, or exchange and scholarship programs.
Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT will help nonnative speakers build or renew vital
vocabulary skills. Vocabulary is a broad topic, and it forms the foundation for read-
ing comprehension, grammar, and spelling. For the TOEFL iBT, you will not be
allowed to use a dictionary, thesaurus, or other reference tool to help you with unfa-
miliar words. In general, the better your basic vocabulary skills are, the better you
will do on the entire TOEFL iBT.
Whether your exam is months away or coming up in a few weeks, this book
will help you prepare. Begin getting ready for the TOEFL iBT by creating a
study plan for yourself. Determine how much time you have until the test day,
and then decide how much time you can devote to studying each week. With
Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT, we suggest that you choose a time each day to improve
your vocabulary. Think about when would be the best time for you. It may be
first thing in the morning, during your commute to work, or before you go to
bed at night. Whenever the time is right, just make sure you do it regularly—at
least five days a week for a month. Once you establish a study plan for yourself,
you should stick as closely as you can to your plan. Always keep your end goal
in mind. If you study hard the first time, chances are you will not have to take
this exam again—ever!

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