Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


9. A noxious odor is
a. harmful.
b. unscented.
c. tantalizing.
d. refreshing.
10. A person with equanimity
a. has a violent temper.
b. is very stubborn.
c. enjoys the company of others.
d. is even-tempered and composed.


How did you do on identifying word roots? Check your answers here, and then
analyze the results to figure out your plan of attack for mastering this topic.

1. d. The root am means love. Amiable means friendly and agreeable; good
natured, likeable, pleasing.
2. a. The root luc/lum/lus means light. Lucid means very clear, easy to under-
stand, intelligible.
3. c. The root plac means to please. Complacent means contented to a fault;
self-satisfied (pleased with oneself).
4. d. The root ac means sharp, bitter. To exacerbate means to make worse; to
increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of.
5. b. The root ver means truth. Veracity means truth, truthfulness.
6. b. The root loc/log/loqu means word, speech. Eloquent means expressed in a
powerful, fluent, and persuasive manner.
7. d. The root dic/dict/dit means to say, tell, use words. To indict means to for-
mally accuse of or charge with a crime.
8. d. The root qui means quiet. Quiescent means inactive, quiet, at rest.
9. a. The root nec/nic/noc/nox means harm, death. Noxious means unpleasant
and harmful, unwholesome.
10. d. The root equ means equal, even. Equanimity means calmness of tempera-
ment, even-temperedness; patience and composure, especially under stress.

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