Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Now, once you have set a study plan for yourself, look at the table of contents to
see the types of vocabulary topics covered in this book. You may want to tackle the
chapters in sequence, or you may decide to study the sections that give you the most
difficulty early on in your test preparation.
Each chapter is filled with practice questions to test the new skill you just read
about. As you work through the practice questions, you may want to have a dic-
tionary or thesaurus handy. This can help expand your bank of vocabulary words.
After you answer the practice questions, you will undoubtedly want to check your
answers against the answer explanation section at the end of each chapter.
Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT contains two practice tests at the end of the book.
These tests will give you the chance to measure what you have learned and review
any problem areas that you find. If after answering all the questions you feel like you
need more practice, reread the questions and try responding one more time. Rep-
etition is often the key to success and studies show that most repetitive tasks become
part of a person’s inventory of skills over time.
The book finishes with a helpful word list of more than 650 commonly tested
vocabulary words (Appendix A). It will be very beneficial for you to add these
words to your current vocabulary. We advise tackling the words on the list as you
move through Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT, not waiting until the end of the book.
Another helpful list—entitled Prefixes, Suffixes, and Word Roots—is included in
Appendix B. Understanding the parts that make up a word can give you a clue
about a word’s definition, and this can help you make educated guesses when tak-
ing the TOEFL iBT.

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