Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


42. A pugnacious person is best described as
a. nosy.
b. combative.
c. talented.
d. ruthless.
43. Something that is erratic
a. moves at a constant, steady pace.
b. is properly ordered; appropriate, in its proper place.
c. seems to be harmless but is actually very dangerous.
d. is unpredictable, meandering, straying from the norm.
44. To feel fervor is to feel
a. carefree, light-hearted.
b. burdened, as with guilt.
c. intense, fiery emotion.
d. calmness, peace.
45. A loquacious person
a. has good intentions, but often ends up doing things that end up hurting
b. tends to talk a great deal.
c. often has difficulty finding things.
d. tends to like everyone; is not discerning.

Directions: For questions 46 through 59, choose the correct word in the paren-
theses to complete the sentence.

46. The pond was ( teaming/teeming ) with tadpoles after the frog eggs hatched.
47. Anita’s ( faux/foe ) mink coat looked so real that a group of teenagers accused
her of cruelty to animals.
48. Jackson may act as if he is totally ( disinterested/uninterested ) in you, but
believe me, he is very anxious to learn more about you.
49. I am having the jewelry I inherited from my grandmother
( appraised/apprised ) to find out how much it is worth.

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