Getting Started

(lily) #1

Chapter 8: C Pointers and Arrays



his may seem about as useful as a bicycle for fish, but you’ll see a good example
of tate machines (oooh, oooh, I can hardly wait), in the

ideal language for solving complex data processing and scientific
tist has made a living being clever
ost any complex

T’ to see what I mean. Even
u aren’t likely to develop a

r pointer discussion to be ‘advanced’ and beyond the needs
f our study. Take a look at the last half of K&R’s chapter on Pointers and Arrays

returnChar = anotherFunction(send
returnChar = pStateFunc(sendChar);

both calls work exactly the

in our discussion s
meantime, try to hold this in your head until we get there.

Complex Pointer and Array Algorithms......................................................

C is an
computing problems. Many a computer scien
and publishing the results. Which is good for us, because alm
problem we will come across has already been solved for us. Whether its sorting a
database or doing a really fast Fast Fourier Transform, the algorithm will b
published somewhere convenient. Try googling ‘C FF
if you have lots of time and enjoy solving puzzles, yo
better solution than you can borrow. It’s your call.

I hereby declare furthe
and you’ll thank me.

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