Getting Started

(lily) #1

Chapter 2: Quick Start Guide

Figure 4: Battery holder, switch, and batteries.

Figure 5: External battery connection to Butterfly

A few days after making the power supply I left it on all night, so I added an LED
(Figure 4) to the switch so that I’d know that it was on. You can solder the long
leg of an LED to the rightmost pin on the switch, where the +3v goes to the
Butterfly, and then solder a 330 resistor to the short leg and the resistor to the rivet
at the base of the battery on the right. The LED is lit when the switch is to +3V.

Test your Connection using Brays Terminal:

Hook your RS-232 cable to the Butterfly as in Figure 6. The run Bray’s Terminal,
(well, Br@y++’s to be exact – available at and and configure it as in Figure 7 with the radio
buttons set to select your COM port, 19200 Baud rate, 8 Data bits, parity of none,
1 Stop bits, and no handshaking. Click the connect button. Turn on your Butterfly

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