Getting Started

(lily) #1

Chapter 2: Quick Start Guide

  • The simulator will run showing the LED scan as a scan of the PORTD and
    PIND items in the Workspace window:(this shows PORTB but you’ll
    actually see PORTD)

  • See, I told you it wasn’t as much fun as watching real LEDs blink.

  • Spend some time with the AVR Studio simulator and associated help files;
    you’ll find the effort well worth it in the long run.


That was a ‘Quick Start’???? Well, maybe things would go quicker if you wanted
to pay a fortune for a software and hardware development system, but for FREE
software, and unbelievably cheap hardware, you’ve got to expect to do a little
more of the work yourself. Besides, you couldn’t pay for all the debugging
education I bet you got just trying to follow what I was telling you. If you think
the ‘Quick Start’ section was confusing, you should try reading all the stuff it’s
based on.

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