Getting Started

(lily) #1

Chapter 3: A Brief Introduction to C – What Makes Blinky Blink?

akes Blinky Blink?
ok at Blinky.c to help begin understanding what

as in

/* and end them with */ as in:

#include <avr/delay.h>

ion we call.

PORTD = 0xFF – counter++

Chapter 3: A Brief Introduction to C – What

This section takes a very brief lo
each line means. Later, these items will be covered in greater detail in context of
programs written specifically to aid in learning the C programming language as it
is used for common microcontroller applications.


You can add comments (text the compiler ignores) to you code two ways.

For a single line of comments use double back slashes

// Blinky.c

For multiline comments, begin them with

Blinky.c is a really great first program for microcontrollers
it causes eight LEDs to scan back and forth like a Cylon’s eyes

Include Files

#include <avr/io.h>

The ‘#include’ is a preprocessor directive that instructs the compiler to find the
file in the <> brackets and tack it on at the head of the file you are about to
compile. The io.h provides data for the port we use, and the delay.h provides the
definitions for the delay funct

Expressions, Statements, and Blocks

Expressions are combinations of variables, operators, and function calls that
produce a single value. For example:

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