Getting Started

(lily) #1

Chapter 6: C Functions and Program Structures

else getboinked();

ain() function.

n unsigned char:

nsigned char ad1, unsigned char a1)

r = a1 + a2;

nd in ain w r so it gets set to the data returned by

nt main()


if(results == 2) getrewardd();


If you think 1 + 1 = 2 prepare to get boinked. You’ll getrewarded() in adder() and
getboinked() in main(). In the adder function, r = 2, but this doesn’t change the
‘results’ in the parameter list in the function call to adder in the m


Ouch! Boinking hurts, so Let’s make adder work right, we change the return type
from void to char and declare r as a

char adder(u
unsigned char r;

if(r == 2) getrewarded();
else getboinked();

return r;

A m e set ‘results’ equal to adde

unsigned char add1 = 1;
unsigned char add2 = 1;
unsigned char results = 0;

results = adder(

if(results == 2) getrewarded();
else getboinked();

Now we get two rewards. If we want to skip the reward we could write adder:

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