Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion

(Dana P.) #1


2002). A German philosopher who drew
attention to the irreplaceable value and
importance of tradition in inquiry. His
work is juxtaposed to a scientific reduc-
tionism as well as the Enlightenment
ideal of tradition-free inquiry. Gadamer
was deeply influenced by Heidegger, but
he was far more concerned with values
than Heidegger. Gadamer focused on
understanding, instead of knowledge, as
the central epistemic category for philos-
ophy. He joins other phenomenologists in
not restricting truth to propostions, but
shows how it makes sense to speak of
works of art and texts as true. He thought
that in order to properly understand a
text one had to understand how the text
answers a question; consequently the best
interpretations are those that show how
the text could be true. His contributions
to philosophical hermeneutics have been
influential for theological hermeneutics.
His works include Plato’s Dialectical Eth-
ics (1931), Tr uth and Method (1960), and
The Idea of the Good in Platonic-Aristotle-
lian Philosophy (1988).

GALILEO GALILEI (1564–1642).
Italian astronomer, natural philosopher,
and physicist. Galileo famously defended
Copernicus’ heliocentric theory of the
universe as opposed to the Ptolmeic
astronomy. Roman Catholic authorities
compelled him to renounce his support
for heliocentricity. The case of Galileo
is often used to support the thesis that
religion (or at least institutional Christi-
anity) and science are inevitably in con-
flict. Famously, Galileo claimed that if you
want to get to heaven, you should read the
Bible, but if you want to study the heavens
you should use a telescope. His key works
include The Starry Messenger (1610), The
Assayer (1623), and Dialogue Concerning
the Two Chief World Systems (1632).

CHAND (1869–1948). A political
reformer and religious thinker who used
collective nonviolent action in order to free
India from British colonial rule. Born in
India, Gandhi studied law in England and
then practiced in South Africa for 20 years
before starting his major work in India.
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