Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion

(Dana P.) #1


NAGARJUNA (c. 150–200 CE). Founder
of the Madhyamika school of Buddhism.
His works include Twenty Verses on the
Great Vehicle, Treatise on the Middle
Doctrine, and Treatise on Relativity.

can be conducted as part of a systematic
exposition of the faith in light of contem-
porary philosophy or it can be carried out
in terms of historical reconstructions of
past creeds. Among the many other ways
to conduct theology, narrative theology
stresses the ways in which religious teach-
ings, insights, and values can be conveyed
through stories. In the Christian tradi-
tion, this may include the story of Jesus as
well as the stories (parables) that Jesus
told, but also literature at large (what can
we learn about the problem of evil from
Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov?) and
the way in which we convey our own iden-
tity (religious or secular) through stories.

Native American beliefs stem from their

culture and nature. They usually believe
in a Creator or Great Spirit and many
smaller spirits. Most of the Native
American groups have many common
beliefs, but their rites and ceremonies dif-
fer; the Lakota, for instance, have rites
such as the Ghost Keeping, the Vision
Quest, and the Sun Dance, while the
Sioux have the Keeping of the Soul, the
Making of Relatives, and the Throwing of
the Ball. Native American spirituality
includes many sacred narratives that are
based in natural elements: earth, weather,
seasons, and so on, and supernatural
meaning is given to natural objects (trees,
sun, moon). The Inuits (Eskimos) believe
that souls exist in every living being.
Post-Columbian missionaries attempted
to “civilize” the Indians by introducing
schools, European customs, and Christi-
anity. During this time, there were
people from both sides who expressed
both politeness and hostility; most of the
Native Americans were willing to con-
verse but not to give up their beliefs, but
some would attack the British. This rejec-
tion of Christianity was not solely based
on religion, but rather those things that
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