Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion

(Dana P.) #1


c. 380–370 BCE Plato’s Republic
c. 372–289 BCE Mencius, Confucian philosopher
367 BCE Aristotle enters the Academy
c. 365–c.275 BCE Pyrrho the Sceptic
c. 343–339 BCE Aristotle tutors Alexander
341–270 BCE Epicurus, founder of Epicurean philosophy
c. 336 BCE Aristotle founds Lyceum
c. 333–264 BCE Zeno of Citium, founds Stoic school
323 BCE Death of Alexander the Great
221 BCE Great Wall of China built
206 BCE– 220 CE Han Dynasty
200–100 BCE Buddhism splits into Theravada and Mahayana
106–43 BCE Marcus Tullius Cicero
27 BCE End of the Roman Republic
c. 4 BCE–c. 30 CE Jesus of Nazareth, founder of Christianity
c. 1 BCE–65 CE Lucius Annaeus Seneca
c. 55–135 Epictetus of Hierapolis
70 Destruction of Jewish temple in Jerusalem
100–165 Justin Martyr
121–180 Marcus Aurelius
c. 150–200 Nagarjuna, founder of Madhyamika school of Buddhism
c. 200 Sextus Empiricus
205–c. 269 Plotinus, founder of Neoplatonism
c. 215–276 Mani, founder of Manicheaism
325 Council of Nicaea
c. 338–397 St. Ambrose
354–430 St. Augustine of Hippo
380 Christianity becomes the official religion of the Roman
410 Fall of Rome
451 Council of Chalcedon
c. 475–524 Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius
570–632 Muhammed, prophet of Islam
610 Muhammed receives his first revelation from God in a cave
during Ramadan
613 Mohammed begins preaching about his revelations
c. 650 Qur’an written
c. 788–c. 820 Adi Shankara, founder of Advaita Vedanta Hinduism

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