Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion

(Dana P.) #1


1869–1937 Rudolf Otto
1873–1970 Bertrand Russell
1874–1948 Nikolai Berdyaev
1883–1885 Nietzsche publishes Thus Spake Zarathustra
1884–1976 Rudolph Bultmann
1886–1965 Paul Tillich
1889–1951 Ludwig Wittgenstein
1889–1966 Emil Brunner
1889–1976 Martin Heidegger
1892–1971 Reinhold Niebuhr
1899 Freud publishes The Interpretation of Dreams
1904–1984 Karl Rahner
1905–1980 Jean-Paul Sartre
1906–1945 Dietrich Bonhoeffer
1909–1943 Simone Weil
1910–1989 A. J. Ayer
1914–1918 World War I
1929 Whitehead publishes Process and Reality; Great Depression
1939–1945 World War II
1948 Bonhoeffer publishes The Cost of Discipleship
1956 Tillich publishes Dynamics of Faith

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