Your Money, Your Goals - A financial empowerment toolkit for social services programs.

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Tool 1:

Financial empowerment self-


Some case managers may find the idea of
providing financial empowerment information to
clients overwhelming. For some, it’s because they
feel like they just don’t know enough about it. But
the truth is that no one knows everything there is
to know about financial empowerment.

Since financial empowerment covers a wide range
of topics, it can be hard to know where to start.
Identifying what you know and don’t know may
be the best place to start. Using this approach, you may find that you know more than you think
you know. You may also find areas where you could benefit from a little more information or

Use the following self-assessment to develop an understanding of your own level of financial
knowledge, skills, and confidence—your level of financial empowerment. Questions asked in this
assessment are related to topics in the Your Money, Your Goals toolkit.

Financial Empowerment
Financial empowerment involves
building the ability to use financial
management knowledge, skills, and
tools to access resources, products,
and services to achieve your goals.

Case manager financial empowerment self-assessment

As someone who works with clients, it’s important for you to understand your own level of
financial empowerment. Use this three-part self-assessment to develop an
understanding of your financial knowledge, skill, and confidence. As you will see in
the answer keys, the questions asked in this assessment are directly related to modules in the
Your Money, Your Goals toolkit.

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