Your Money, Your Goals - A financial empowerment toolkit for social services programs.

(ff) #1

Case manager self-assessment: Part 3

Use check marks to show whether your answer to each question is “yes,” “no,” or “I don’t know.”

Question Answer
Yes No I don’t

  1. I have a savings or checking account at a bank or credit
    union, and I use this account (make deposits and
    withdrawals regularly).

  2. I have applied for, received, and used a credit card.

  3. I have applied for and received a loan for a car or a

  4. I have applied for and received a payday loan.

  5. I have requested my own credit report and reviewed it.

  6. I track my income and spending.

  7. I have received a loan from a pawn shop.

  8. I have used the services of a check cashing business.

  9. I have had a car or other type of personal property
    repossessed for nonpayment.

  10. I have received calls from debt collection agencies.

  11. I understand my rights and know what to do if I believe a
    financial services provider has tried to take advantage of

  12. I receive my earnings from work via a method other than
    a paycheck. (Payroll card, direct deposit, or cash, for

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