Your Money, Your Goals - A financial empowerment toolkit for social services programs.

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Build it into existing program procedures

Take a look at your existing organizational purpose, program procedures, and protocols. Often,
you may find that introducing financial topics, such as credit, debt, savings, and cash flow, help
clients to become more economically self-sufficient. If economic self-sufficiency or a similarly
stated purpose is part of your organization’s mission or is required by your funders, can you add
these topics into your existing protocols, procedures or program offerings to help empower your
clients financially?

In the next sections, we’ll offer you specific suggestions, tools, and tips for broadening and
improving existing financial conversations that you have with your clients. For example, if you
are working on obtaining employment and building job skills with your client, Javier, you can
talk with him about banking and savings after he gets a job in order to help him effectively
manage his income.

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