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  1. Portfolio Management 111

From Proposition 5.9 we can compute the weights in the minimum variance
portfolio. Since

uC−^1 ∼=


12 .102 16.818 9. 382



uC−^1 uT∼= 38. 302 ,

we obtain


uC−^1 uT

∼=[ 0 .316 0.439 0. 245 ].

The expected return and standard deviation of this portfolio are

μV=mwT∼= 0. 146 ,σV=

wCwT∼= 0. 162.

The minimum variance line can be computed using Proposition 5.10. To this
end we compute

uC−^1 ∼=


12 .102 16.818 9. 382



mC−^1 ∼=


0 .898 2.182 2. 530



uC−^1 uT∼= 38. 302 , mC−^1 mT∼= 0. 923 ,
uC−^1 mT=mC−^1 uT∼= 5. 609.

Substituting these into the formula forwin Proposition 5.10, we obtain the
weights in the portfolio with minimum variance among all portfolios with ex-
pected returnμV:



1. 578 − 8. 614 μV 0. 845 − 2. 769 μV − 1 .422 + 11. 384 μV



The standard deviation of this portfolio is



0. 237 − 2. 885 μV+9. 850 μ^2 V.

Exercise 5.12

Among all attainable portfolios constructed using three securities with
expected returnsμ 1 =0.20,μ 2 =0.13,μ 3 =0.17, standard deviations of
returnsσ 1 =0.25,σ 2 =0.28,σ 3 =0.20, and correlations between returns
ρ 12 =0.30,ρ 23 =0.00,ρ 31 =0.15, find the minimum variance portfolio.
What are the weights in this portfolio? Also compute the expected return
and standard deviation of this portfolio.

Exercise 5.13

Among all attainable portfolios with expected returnμV = 20% con-
structed using the three securities in Exercise 5.12 find the portfolio with
the smallest variance. Compute the weights and the standard deviation
of this portfolio.
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