- Risk-Free Assets 29
2.1.3 Streams of Payments
Anannuity is a sequence of finitely many payments of a fixed amount due
at equal time intervals. Suppose that payments of an amountC are to be
made once a year fornyears, the first one due a year hence. Assuming that
annual compounding applies, we shall find the present value of such a stream
of payments. We compute the present values of all payments and add them up
to get
(1 +r)^2
(1 +r)^3
(1 +r)n
It is sometimes convenient to introduce the following seemingly cumbersome
piece of notation:
PA(r, n)=^1
(1 +r)^2
(1 +r)n
. (2.7)
This number is called thepresent value factor for an annuity. It allows us to
express the present value of an annuity in a concise form:
PA(r, n)×C.
The expression for PA(r, n) can be simplified by using the formula
a+qa+q^2 a+···+qn−^1 a=a^1 −q
1 −q
In our casea=1+^1 randq=1+^1 r, hence
PA(r, n)=
1 −(1 +r)−n
r. (2.8)
Remark 2.3
Note that an initial bank deposit of
P=PA(r, n)×C= C
+ C
(1 +r)^2
+···+ C
(1 +r)n
attracting interest at a ratercompounded annually would produce a stream
ofnannual payments ofCeach. A deposit ofC(1 +r)−^1 would grow toC
after one year, which is just what is needed to cover the first annuity payment.
A deposit ofC(1 +r)−^2 would becomeCafter two years to cover the second
payment, and so on. Finally, a deposit ofC(1 +r)−nwould deliver the last
payment ofCdue afternyears.