Drawing Manga Boys

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Not all manga hair has to fall down in front of the face. Here is a style swept up from
the forehead in fiery red waves. It’s cut high and short at the back to focus attention
on the top, and a glossy white highlight gives dramatic visual impact.


Next, starting where you
finished, draw a series of
large spikes over the top
of the head, and down to
the ear.

Now draw the outline
of a highlight right across
the top of the head.

Ink around the entire
outline of the hairstyle.

Leaving the highlight
white, color the hair
bright red. Then add
some darker red shad-
ows on the points of the
bangs, on the large spike
behind the ear, and the
hair in front of the ear.

Start by drawing a basic
head with eyes, nose,
mouth, and one ear.
Then, starting from the
ear, draw a series of
short spikes across the
forehead to indicate the


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