This is a more dramatic view of a fist, which is coming towards the viewer. It shows
how compact and tightly closed the fingers are, with the thumb tucked underneath
to prevent any damage. You can see the shading indicating the knuckles across the
top of the shape.
Begin by drawing a
rectangle with one
end smaller than the
other and a curved
upperside. The top
line will become the
line of the knuckles.
Draw three lines
up from the bot-
tom, stopping about
three-quarters of the
way up. Fill the gaps
between them with a
series of four ellipses.
Add an oval shape to
the bottom right-hand
corner, then sketch the
last joint of the thumb
which folds over the
oval. Round off the
bases of the fingers.
Redefine the main
lines, creating definite
gaps between the
fingers and shadow
at their bases. Then
indicate shading on
the palm and add a
Now ink the sketch.
Ink around the outside
of the hand, then ink
the gaps between
the fingers and the
finger joints. Finally, ink
around the thumbnail.