Action Hand and Arm Poses
The average arm falls down to just below the hip. The pose here shows an arm and
clenched fist held down by the side in a manner that suggests the figure is controlling
his emotions. The position of the hip and buttocks counterbalances the arm and the
forward leaning stance.
Draw two circles. Add
a large ellipse, then butt
the base of a triangle to it.
Connect the two circles
and the ellipse, and the two
circles and the triangle.
Add a suggestion of a body
to which the arm is attached.
The spine runs parallel to
the arm down to the ellipse.
One leg is straight, the other
steps forward.
Flesh out the arm from
shoulder to elbow and
elbow to wrist. Using the
triangle as the palm of the
hand, add a thumb and
two finger joints to it.
Ink the outline of the arm
and the closed fist. Ink the
individual joints of the fingers
and the creases around them.
Leave the rest of the sketch as
pencil only.