Drawing Manga Boys

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Priests and monks play a big part in many manga stories. This outfit consists of a
plain brown under-robe, on top of which is worn a long flowing red robe, which is
wrapped around the neck and shoulder before being tied at the waist, and hangs
down to below the knee.


Create a basic figure
using lines for bones,
circles for joints, and
triangles for pelvis and
feet. Add a flowing
sash over one shoul-
der and round the

From the waistline,
create a full-length
gathered double-skirt.
Add a knotted sash at
the waist. Finally at this
stage, add flip-flops to
the feet.

Draw the neckline
with folds and creases,
then add large flow-
ing sleeves encasing
the hands. Refine the
waistline with a couple
of horizontals.

Ink all the main lines,
trying to keep as many
folds and creases in
the drawing as you
can: note there are
creases around the
elbows too. Then,
color the inside of the
sleeves black, as these
areas are in shadow.
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