apex The highest or culminating point.
asymmetrical Not symmetrical, or not the same on
both sides.
bisect To divide into two usually equal parts.
bolero A loose waist-length jacket open at the front.
chevron A figure, pattern, or object having the shape of a
V or an inverted V.
chiseled Formed or crafted as if with a chisel.
compass An instrument for describing circles or transferring
measurements that consists of two pointed branches
joined at the top by a pivot.
compress To press or squeeze together.
contours An outline, especially of a curving or
irregular figure.
cravat A band or scarf worn around the neck.
dan The grade of training a martial artist has achieved.
disseminate To disperse throughout.
dogi The pants of a judo or karate uniform.
elasticated Containing strips of elastic in order to make the
clothing fit snugly.
ellipse A closed plane curve resulting from the intersec-
tion of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely
through it.