Legal Dissent: Constitutional Proposals for “Cambio” in Cuba 157
ment-supported solution and substantial amounts of capital. Of the
Varela Project’s proposals, the most appealing one is likely to be the
freedom to organize a company, given its potential impact on individ-
ual economic conditions.
The appearance in the 2008 Freedom House survey of the “single
currency” as a top priority issue reflects the fact that a simple, eco-
nomic message can make quick inroads because of its immediate daily
relevance. The “Con la Misma Moneda” (With the Same Currency)
campaign was launched in 2006 by the Federación Latinoamericana de
Mujeres Rurales (FLAMUR) (Rodriguez Albacia 2006). Following the
Varela Project model, FLAMUR is collecting 10,000 signatures under
Article of the Constitution to request that the National
Assembly consider the consolidation of Cuba’s two currencies—the
Cuban peso (CUP, used by Cuban citizens) and the Convertible Peso
(CUC, linked to foreign currencies) into one, equally valid currency
(Rodriguez Albacia 2006). This issue has a direct impact on men and
women’s pockets. The domestic CUC/CUP exchange rate is about
1:25, with the government imposing a 20% tax per exchange
(González-Corzo 2006;
The recurrence in surveys of the embargo as an issue of “eco-
nomic isolation” has an equally powerful psychological aspect. This
TABLE 1. Comparison of Top Priorities of MCL and Surveyed Populations
# The Varela Proj-
ect (2002)
Española (2005)
IRI#1 (2007) IRI#2 (2008) Freedom House
1amnesty for
political prison-
low salaries/
cost of living/
lack of job
low salaries/
high cost of life
low salaries/
high cost of life
freedom of
(inside & out-
side Cuba)
2freedom of
lack of liberty/
political system
the country’s
double cur-
rency (13.1%)
a single cur-
rency system
3freedom of
food (14.6%) food shortages
lack of liberty/
political system
freedom of
4freedom to
organize corpo-
no problem
the embargo/
isolation (8.5%)
5a new electoral
law/free elec-
housing (6.7%) embargo/isola-
tion (4.8%)
food shortages