Politics and Civil Society in Cuba

(Axel Boer) #1

194 Chapter 8

per month with an estimated readership of 8-10 each. However, a
recent calculation of the number of “hits” on its website (www.pal-
abranueva.net) for February 2010 was 305,812. This was a 36.65%
increase over January 2010 and a 98.28% increase over February 2009.
Of note is the fact that in January-February 2010 the largest number
of visitors was from the United States (27,829) with Mexico close
behind (27,167). Cuba registered only 1,306 visitors, but there were a
substantial number of unknowns possibly Cubans (25,486). Argentina,
Spain, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, Peru, and China all logged more
identifiable visitors than Cuba.^11 In short, the bulk of the visitors were
from outside Cuba.

Espacio Laical, the official publication of the Consejo Arquidioce-
sano de Laicos de La Habana (CAL-Habana), is emerging as widely
read and influential. Its objective is to serve as a forum for dialogue
among the laity in order to promote analysis and solutions to prob-
lems that affect all Cubans, as well as the Catholic Church. Further-
more, it promotes the insertion of lay Catholics in evangelizing the
island and assisting in the amelioration of generalized societal prob-
lems. It consciously tries to reach out to the general public and in
recent years has emphasized in-depth analysis of economic and social
problems by a wide variety of Cuban and non-Cuban authors, some of
whom are not Catholics. Espacio Laical insists that it is non-partisan
and, as a consequence, does not publish statements by political
groups, including the Varela Project, which is identified with the
Christian Democratic International. Espacio Laical publishes 4,000
copies of each number and its editors estimate that each one is read by
5-7 persons for a total of 20,000-28,000. Like Palabra Nueva, however,
the bulk of its readership is via its website (www.espaciolaical.org). A
prime objective of the editors is to expand dialogue within Cuba and
provide bridges to all sectors of society, particularly about social
issues.^12 In this sense they are increasingly occupying political space

  1. http://www.palabranueva.net , “Analísis Estadístico Febrero 2010”.

  2. Interview 01913.

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