Politics and Civil Society in Cuba

(Axel Boer) #1

The Impact of the Expansion of the Religious Media in Contemporary Cuba 197

social, and religious spheres. This objective has led it to occasionally
comment on issues such as the government’s initiation of a national
dialogue in 2007 of problems facing Cuban society. This stimulated
considerable public discussion, particularly of socioeconomic prob-
lems and the government's capacity to devise solutions for them. The
Claretian parish of Santísima Trinidad in Santiago publishes Viña Joven
in an effort to promote dialogue and interaction within Cuban society
primarily through the arts. Citing José Martí's admonition that in order
to be free, one must be cultured, the journal promotes dialogue within
the context of developing Cuban culture. Reflecting the diversity of
Catholic media are the publications and website of the Centro de
Bioética de “Juan Pablo II” in Havana. Aimed at individuals and
groups in the biomedical sciences, as well as philosophy and ethics,
the Center works with a wide spectrum of individuals many of whom
are not identified with any particular religion. Its publications include
the bulletin Reflexiones, as well as monographs, together with its Revista
Digital. All are aimed at generating discussion of moral and ethical
issues generated particularly by advances and practices in the medical
sciences and public health. The Center has strong links to interna-
tional counterparts and to the Vatican. (www.cbioetica.org).
The Protestant Consejo de Iglesias de Cuba (CIC) (www.consejo-
deiglesias.co.cu) publishes bulletins and monographs including the
periodical MENSAJE which focuses on theological and biblical ques-
tions relevant to Cuban Christians. The CIC’s bulletin Tribuna Ecumé-
nica contains information about Protestant activities and projects
sponsored by CIC. The Consejo also has an electronic bulletin that
covers the same material. In addition, it has sponsored a monthly
radio program “El Evangelio en Marcha” the first Sunday of the
month that is transmitted by CMBF Radio Musical Nacional (8-10
am) which focuses on biblical reflections. The Consejo de Iglesias de
Cuba has undergone considerable evolution during the course of the
Cuban revolution and in recent years has become more oriented
towards newer denominations rather than the historical ones, some of
which are not members. The latter include the Baptists who are the
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