Politics and Civil Society in Cuba

(Axel Boer) #1

384 Chapter 16

713 your family would reject you,
714 the neighbors,
715 the society
716 everybody.
717 So it was a pretty discriminatory way to treat people.

Ability to Receive Training Abroad to Be Brought Back to

(Discrimination Which Limits an Individual's Access to Education)

Before the fall of the Soviet Union, it was quite common for Cuban
young people and professionals to be sent to the Soviet Union or
other socialist bloc countries to receive technical and professional
training that Cuba needed. While studying in Leningrad, the speaker
was expelled for being a lesbian and sent back to Cuba.

57 Well,
58 so they came from the Ministry of International Relations to see if
I was interested in studying abroad.
59 At that time I wasn’t that interestd,
60 but they talked so much about how they needed people who were
skilled and highly educated that they convinced me, and I went to study
in the Soviet Union.
84 But what happened was that my roommate
85 who I cared for a lot and was very tender with because she loved to
86 she was a very knowledgeable about many things and I loved to
talk with her
87 and I cared for her so much that I knew that it wasn’t a sexual
88 but i loved her like a mother,
89 like a sister because we were so far away and without our families
90 that she was everything for me.
91 I loved her so much that we were always together.
92 We showered together in a small shower where only one person fit,
93 but we showered together there anyways, and for me this was all
innocent, but for the collective it wasn’t.
94 In conclusion, we were set up
95 and they called us into a meeting
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