Politics and Civil Society in Cuba

(Axel Boer) #1

392 Chapter 16

CODA: Temporality: the Past, the Present, the Future

As I have explained in this paper, Cuban concepts of citizenship, and
thus subsequently sexual citizenship, differ in significant ways from
such concepts in US and European contexts. Citizenship in Cuba is
dependent on ideological criteria and demonstrating/proving support
for a sociopolitical revolutionary project. Through a life story narra-
tive which follows many of the conventions of the North American/
Western coming-out story genre, we have seen here how Barbara
expresses her sense of self as a lesbian and a revolutionary, negotiating
social identities which at the time she spoke were seen by hegemonic
powers of authority as contradictory (Plummer, 1995). In doing so she
transgressed the discursive limits of the lesbian and revolutionary sub-
ject positions, challenging the historical construction of the two as
mutually exclusive and challenging the revolutionary state and society
to become advocates for the full citizenship of LGBT people (Leap,
2008: 287). Despite the discrimination she has faced as a lesbian, the

Table 4.
We have the right to defend ourselves. Let
them know that if they try to corner us, we will
defend ourselves, first of all with truth and

Tenemos derecho a defendernos. Si preten-
den acorralarnos, sepan que sabremos parape-
tarnos, en primer lugar en la verdad y los
Amidst this dramatic situation, no one was left
to their own fate; this gave further evidence of
the strength stemming from the unity of the
people that defend just ideas and a work built
with so much sacrifice. Only a socialist regime,
despite its deficiencies, can successfully pass
such a tough test.

n medio de esta dramática situación, nadie
quedó abandonado a su suerte y se evidenció la
fuerza que emana de la unidad del pueblo
cuando se defienden ideas justas y una obra
construida con tanto sacrificio. Sólo un régi-
men socialista, a pesar de sus deficiencias, es
capaz de superar gigantesca prueba.
At the same time, great challenges hang over
humanity and it is the first duty of the youth to
tackle them. They should defend the survival
of the human species threatened like never
before by climate change, a situation acceler-
ated by the reckless production and consump-
tion patterns fathered by capitalism.

Al propio tiempo, se ciernen sobre la humani-
dad colosales desafíos y corresponde, en
primer lugar, a los jóvenes enfrentarlos. Se trata
de defender la supervivencia misma de la espe-
cie humana, amenazada como nunca antes por
el cambio climático, que se acelera por los
patrones irracionales de producción y consumo
que engendra el capitalismo.
Cuba does not fear the lies nor does it bow to
pressures, conditionings or impositions, wher-
ever they come from. It defends itself with the
truth, which always, sooner rather than later,
ends up being known.

Cuba no teme a la mentira ni se arrodilla ante
presiones, condicionamientos o imposiciones,
vengan de donde vengan, se defiende con la
verdad, que siempre, más temprano que tarde,
termina por imponerse.
Source: Castro 2010a, Castro 2010b
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