Politics and Civil Society in Cuba

(Axel Boer) #1

Revolutionary and Lesbian: Negotiating Sexual Citizenship in Cuba 393

speaker still identifies with the Revolution and believes that the ideals
and values of the Revolution are worth defending. She also believes
that the state’s goodwill towards oppressed peoples will ultimately
result in state activism on behalf of Cuban LGBT subjects.
In the following selection Barbara explicitly demands recognition
of the belonging/inclusion of LGBT subjects in the national commu-
nity and calls on the state to become an advocate for LGBT peoples
by removing the structural barriers to full Cuban citizenship (defined
here as barriers to participation in the construction of a social project
rather than access to benefits, rights and protections offered by the
welfare state, as in the US/European context). She is especially con-
vinced that the state should harness the power of the media to create
what she sees as necessary changes in society.
841 So much is needed, from my point of view,
842 speaking from the experience that I have had
843 there must be a psychological work with the population
844 just like they have put in the different types of advertising that
you have protect yourself from AIDS by using condoms.
845 Well they could do the same by putting two women,
846 or they could put two men,
847 but they always put a man and women.
848 That’s the way.
849 It seems to me that by this means they should start educating the
850 the population
851 so that they start taking homosexuality as a normal subject....
855 The changes,
856 well I think that’s the way,
857 using the means of communication,
858 the media, the radio,
859 television can help a lot.
860 It could help to have meetings,
861 lectures in workplaces.
862 This is my opinion,
863 what I think.
864 In very little time society gets used to it
865 and begins to accept homosexuals in the rank and file of the
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