Chapter 4 Mathematical Data Types106
Problem 4.20.
Give an example of a relationRthat is a total injective function from a setAto
itself but is not a bijection.
Problem 4.21.
LetRWA!Bbe a binary relation. Each of the following formulas expresses
the fact thatRhas a familiar relational “arrow” property such as being surjective
or being a function.
Identify the relational property expressed by each of the following relational
expressions. Explain your reasoning.
(a)RıR ^1 IdB
(b)R ^1 ıRIdA
(c)R ^1 ıRIdA
(d)RıR ^1 IdB
Class Problems
Problem 4.22. (a)Prove that ifAsurjBandBsurjC, thenAsurjC.
(b)Explain whyAsurjBiffBinjA.
(c)Conclude from (a) and (b) that ifAinjBandBinjC, thenAinjC.
(d)Explain whyAinjBiff there is a total injectivefunction(ŒD 1 out; 1 inç)
Problem 4.23.
Five basic properties of binary relationsRWA!Bare:
1.Ris a surjectionŒ 1 inç
2.Ris an injectionŒ 1 inç
3.Ris a functionŒ 1 outç
4.Ris totalŒ 1 outç
(^11) The official definition of inj is with a total injectiverelation(Œ 1 out; 1 inç)