Mathematics for Computer Science

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Chapter 6 Recursive Data Types178

Expression Parsing
During the early development of computer science in the 1950’s and 60’s, creation
of effective programming language compilers was a central concern. A key aspect
in processing a program for compilation was expression parsing. One significant
problem was to take an expression like

xCyz^2 yC 7

andput inthe brackets that determined how it should be evaluated—should it be

ŒŒxCyçz^2 yçC7;or;
xCŒyz^2 ŒyC7çç;or;
ŒxCŒyz^2 ççŒyC7ç;or:::‹

The Turing award (the “Nobel Prize” of computer science) was ultimately be-
stowed on Robert W. Floyd, for, among other things, discovering simple proce-
dures that would insert the brackets properly.
In the 70’s and 80’s, this parsing technology was packaged into high-level
compiler-compilers that automatically generated parsers from expression gram-
mars. This automation of parsing was so effective that the subject no longer
demanded attention. It had largely disappeared from the computer science cur-
riculum by the 1990’s.

The matched strings can be nicely characterized as a recursive data type:

Definition 6.2.1.Recursively define the set, RecMatch, of strings as follows:

 Base case: 2 RecMatch.

 Constructor case: Ifs;t 2 RecMatch, then
[s]t 2 RecMatch:

Here[s]trefers to the concatenation of strings which would be written in full

From now on, we’ll usually omit the “’s.”
Using this definition, 2 RecMatch by the base case, so lettingsDtDin
the constructor case implies

[]D[ ] 2 RecMatch:
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