Mathematics for Computer Science

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7.3. The Logic of Sets 221

Union. The union,u, of a collection,z, of sets is also a set:

8 z: 9 u: 8 x:. 9 y: x 2 yANDy 2 z/IFFx 2 u:

Infinity. There is an infinite set. Specifically, there is a nonempty set,x, such that
for any sety 2 x, the setfygis also a member ofx.

Subset.Given any set,x, and any definable property of sets, there is a set contain-
ing precisely those elementsy 2 xthat have the property.

8 x: 9 z: 8 y:y 2 zIFFŒy 2 xAND.y/ç

where.y/is any assertion aboutydefinable in the notation of set theory.

Power Set.All the subsets of a set form another set:

8 x: 9 p: 8 u: uxIFFu 2 p:

Replacement.Suppose a formula,, of set theory defines the graph of a function,
that is,
8 x;y;z:Œ.x;y/AND.x;z/çIMPLIESyDz:
Then the image of any set,s, under that function is also a set,t. Namely,

8 s 9 t 8 y:Œ 9 x:.x;y/IFFy 2 tç:

Foundation.There cannot be an infinite sequence

2xn22x 12 x 0

of sets each of which is a member of the previous one. This is equivalent
to saying every nonempty set has a “member-minimal” element. Namely,

member-minimal.m;x/WWDŒm 2 xAND 8 y 2 x:y...mç:

Then the foundation axiom is

8 x: x¤; IMPLIES 9 m:member-minimal.m;x/:

Choice.Given a set,s, whose members are nonempty sets no two of which have
any element in common, then there is a set,c, consisting of exactly one
element from each set ins. The formula is given in Problem 7.28.

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