Chapter 7 Infinite Sets224
Problem 7.2.
Show that the setf0;1gof finite binary strings is countable.
Problem 7.3.
Describe an example of twouncountable setsAandBsuch that there is no bijec-
tion betweenAandB.
Problem 7.4.
Prove that if there is a total injective (Œ 1 out; 1 inç) relation fromS!N, then
Sis countable.
Problem 7.5.
For each of the following sets, indicate whether it is finite, countably infinite, or
- The set of solutions to the equationx^3 xD 0:1.
- The set of natural numbersN.
- The set of rational numbersQ.
- The set of real numbersR.
- The set of integersZ.
- The set of complex numbersC.
- The set of words in the English language no more than 20 characters long.
- The powerset of the set of all possible bijections fromf1;2;:::;10gto itself.
- An infinite setSwith the property that there exists a total surjective function
f WN!S. - A setA[BwhereAis countable andBis uncountable.
Problem 7.6.
Circlethe correct completions (there may be more than one)