Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

7.4. Does All This Really Work? 235

The only issue here is that set theory is technically supposed to be expressed in
terms ofpureformulas in the language of sets, which means formula that uses only
the membership relation, 2 , propositional connectives, the two quantifies 8 and 9 ,
and variables ranging over all sets. Verify that the axiom of choice can be expressed
as a pure formula, by explaining how to replace all impure subformulas above with
equivalent pure formulas.
For example, the formulaxDycould be replaced with the pure formula 8 z:z 2
xIFFz 2 y.

Problem 7.29.
LetRWA!Abe a binary relation on a set,A. Ifa 1 R a 0 , we’ll say thata 1 is “R-
smaller” thana 0 .Ris calledwell foundedwhen there is no infinite “R-decreasing”
R anRR a 1 R a 0 ; (7.11)

of elementsai 2 A.
For example, ifADNandRis the<-relation, thenRis well founded because
if you keep counting down with nonnegative integers, you eventually get stuck at
0 << n1 < n:

But you can keep counting up forever, so the>-relation is not well founded:

> n >> 1 > 0:

Also, the-relation onNis not well founded because aconstantsequence of, say,
2’s, gets-smaller forever:

 2  2 2:

(a)IfBis a subset ofA, an elementb 2 Bis defined to beR-minimal inBiff
there is noR-smaller element inB. Prove thatRWA!Ais well founded iff every
nonempty subset ofAhas anR-minimal element.

A logicformula of set theoryhas only predicates of the form “x 2 y” for vari-
ablesx;yranging over sets, along with quantifiers and propositional operations.
For example,
isempty.x/WWD8w:NOT.w 2 x/

is a formula of set theory that means that “xis empty.”

(b)Write a formula, member-minimal.u;v/, of set theory that means thatuis
2 -minimal inv.

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