Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

7.4. Does All This Really Work? 237

is to represent.a;b/as
(b)Explain how to write a formula Pair.p;a;b/, of set theory^11 that meanspD

Hint:Now it’s OK to use subformulas of the form “Members.p;a;b/.”

(c)Explain how to write a formula Second.p;b/, of set theory that meanspis a
pair whose second item isb.

Problems for Section 7.4

Homework Problems

Problem 7.32.
For any setx, define next.x/to be the set consisting of all the elements ofx, along

So by definition,
x 2 next.x/andxnext.x/: (7.12)
Now we give a recursive definition of a collection, Ord, of sets calledordinals
that provide a way to count infinite sets. Namely,


if 2 Ord;then next./ 2 Ord;


 2 S

 2 Ord:

There is a method for proving things about ordinals that follows directly from
the way they are defined. Namely, letP.x/be some property of sets. TheOrdinal
Induction Rulesays that to prove thatP./is true for all ordinals, you need only
show two things

 IfPholds for all the members of next.x/, then it holds for next.x/, and

 ifPholds for all members of some setS, then it holds for their union.

(^11) See Section 7.3.2.

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