Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

Chapter 7 Infinite Sets238

That is:

Rule.Ordinal Induction

8 x:. 8 y 2 next.x/:P.y// IMPLIES;
8 S:. 8 x 2 S:P.x// IMPLIES P.


x 2 Sx/
8  2 Ord:P./

The intuitive justification for the Ordinal Induction Rule is similar to the justifi-
cation for strong induction. We will accept the soundness of the Ordinal Induction
Rule as a basic axiom.

(a)A setxisclosed under membershipif every element ofxis also a subset of
x, that is
8 y 2 x: yx:

Prove that every ordinalis closed under membership.

(b)A sequence
2nC 12 n22 12  0 (7.13)

of ordinalsiis called amember-decreasingsequence starting at 0. Use Ordinal
Induction to prove that no ordinal starts an infinite member-decreasing sequence.^12

(^12) Do not assume the Foundation Axiom of ZFC (Section 7.3.2) which says that there isn’tanyset
that starts an infinite member-decreasing sequence. Even in versions of set theory in which the Foun-
dation Axiom does not hold, there cannot be any infinite member-decreasing sequence of ordinals.

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