Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

8.1. Divisibility 245

  1. Ifajbandajc, thenajsbCtcfor allsandt.

  2. For allc¤ 0 ,ajbif and only ifcajcb.

Proof. These facts all follow directly from Definition 8.1.1. To illustrate this, we’ll
prove just part 2:
Given thatajb, there is somek 12 Zsuch thatak 1 Db. Likewise,ak 2 Dc,
sbCtcDs.k 1 a/Ct.k 2 a/ 1 Ctk 2 /a:

ThereforesbCtcDk 3 awherek 3 1 Ctk 2 /, which means that


A number of the formsbCtcis called aninteger linear combinationofbandc,
or, since in this chapter we’re only talking about integers, just alinear combination.
So Lemma can be rephrased as

Ifadividesbandc, thenadivides every linear combination ofbandc.

We’ll be making good use of linear combinations, so let’s get the general definition
on record:

Definition 8.1.3.An integernis alinear combinationof numbersb 0 ;:::;bkiff

nDs 0 b 0 Cs 1 b 1 CCskbk

for some integerss 0 ;:::;sk.

8.1.2 When Divisibility Goes Bad

As you learned in elementary school, if one number doesnotevenly divide another,
you get a “quotient” and a “remainder” left over. More precisely:

Theorem 8.1.4. [Division Theorem]^2 Letnanddbe integers such thatd > 0.
Then there exists a unique pair of integersqandr, such that

nDqdCrAND 0 r < d: (8.1)

(^2) This theorem is often called the “Division Algorithm,” but we prefer to call it a theorem since it
does not actually describe a division procedure for computing the quotient and remainder.

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