Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

Chapter 1 What is a Proof?24

Problems for Section 1.8

Practice Problems

Problem 1.8.
Prove that for anyn > 0, ifanis even, thenais even.

Problem 1.9.
Prove that ifabDn, then eitheraorbmust be

n, wherea;b, andnare
nonnegative real numbers.Hint:by contradiction, Section 1.8.

Problem 1.10.
Letnbe a nonnegative integer.

(a)Explain why ifn^2 is even—that is, a multiple of 2—thennis even.

(b)Explain why ifn^2 is a multiple of 3, thennmust be a multiple of 3.

Problem 1.11.
Give an example of two distinct positive integersm;nsuch thatn^2 is a multiple of
m, butnis not a multiple ofm. How about havingmbe less thann?

Class Problems

Problem 1.12.
How far can you generalize the proof of Theorem 1.8.1 that

2 is irrational? For
example, how about


Problem 1.13.
Prove that log 46 is irrational.

Problem 1.14.
Here is a different proof that

2 is irrational, taken from the American Mathemat-
ical Monthly, v.116, #1, Jan. 2009, p.69:

Proof. Suppose for the sake of contradiction that

2 is rational, and choose the
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