Mathematics for Computer Science

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12.2. Definitions of Planar Graphs 479








Figure 12.7 A planar drawing with abridge.

Unfortunately, continuous faces in planar drawings are not always bounded by
cycles in the graph —things can get a little more complicated. For example, the
planar drawing in Figure 12.7 has what we will call abridge, namely, a cut edge
hc—ei. The sequence of vertices along the boundary of the outer region of the
drawing is

This sequence defines a closed walk, but does not define a cycle since the walk has
two occurrences of the bridgehc—eiand each of its endpoints.
The planar drawing in Figure 12.8 illustrates another complication. This drawing
has what we will call adongle, namely, the nodesv,x,y, andw, and the edges
incident to them. The sequence of vertices along the boundary of the inner region

This sequence defines a closed walk, but once again does not define a cycle because
it has two occurrences ofeveryedge of the dongle —once “coming” and once
It turns out that bridges and dongles are the only complications, at least for con-
nected graphs. In particular, every continuous face in a planar drawing corresponds
to a closed walk in the graph. These closed walks will be called thediscrete faces
of the drawing, and we’ll define them next.

12.2.2 A Recursive Definition for Planar Embeddings

The association between the continuous faces of a planar drawing and closed walks
provides the discrete data type we can use instead of continuous drawings. We’ll
define aplanar embeddingofconnectedgraph to be the set of closed walks that are
its face boundaries. Since all we care about in a graph are the connections between

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