Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

12.2. Definitions of Planar Graphs 481






Figure 12.9 The “split a face” case:awxbyzasplits intoawxbaandabyza.

Constructor case(split a face): SupposeGis a connected graph with a planar
embedding, and supposeaandbare distinct, nonadjacent vertices ofGthat occur
in some discrete face, , of the planar embedding. That is, is a closed walk of the
D ̨bˇ

where ̨is a walk fromatobandˇis a walk frombtoa. Then the graph obtained
by adding the edgeha—bito the edges ofGhas a planar embedding with the same
discrete faces asG, except that face is replaced by the two discrete faces^2

̨bhb—ai and ha—bibˇ (12.2)

as illustrated in Figure 12.9.^3

Constructor case(add a bridge): SupposeGandH are connected graphs with
planar embeddings and disjoint sets of vertices. Let be a discrete face of the
embedding ofGand suppose that begins and ends at vertexa.
Similarly, letıbe a discrete face of the embedding ofHthat begins and ends at

(^2) There is a minor exception to this definition of embedding in the special case whenGis a line
graph beginning withaand ending withb. In this case the cycles into which splits are actually
the same. That’s because adding edgeha—bicreates a cycle that divides the plane into “inner” and
“outer” continuous faces that are both bordered by this cycle. In order to maintain the correspondence
between continuous faces and discrete faces in this case, we define the two discrete faces of the
embedding to be two “copies” of this same cycle.
(^3) Formally, merge is an operation on walks, not a walk and an edge, so in (12.2), we should have
used a walk.aha—bib/instead of an edgeha—biand written
̨b.bhb—aia/ and .aha—bib/bˇ

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