Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

13.7. Asymptotic Notation 543

Problem 13.19.
Show that
ln.n^2 Š/D‚.n^2 lnn/
Hint:Stirling’s formula for.n^2 /Š.

Problem 13.20.
The quantity

2 2n.nŠ/^2


will come up later in the course (it is the probability that in 2 2nflips of a fair coin,

exactlynwill be Heads). Show that it is asymptotically equal to




Problem 13.21.
Suppose letf andgbe real-valued functions.

(a)Give an example off;gsuch that

lim supfg <lim supflim supg;

and all the lim sup’s are finite.

(b)Give an example off;gsuch that

lim supfg >lim supflim supg:

and all the lim sup’s are finite.

Homework Problems

Problem 13.22. (a)Prove that logx < xfor allx > 1(requires elementary calcu-

(b)Prove that the relation,R, on functions such thatf R giffgDo.f /is a
strict partial order.

(c)Prove thatf gifff DgChfor some functionhDo.g/.
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