Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

Chapter 14 Cardinality Rules592

Problem 14.2.
In how many different ways is it possible to answer the next chapter’s practice
problems if:

 the first problem has fourtrue/falsequestions,

 the second problem requires choosing one of four alternatives, and

 the answer to the third problem is an integer 15 and 20?

Problem 14.3.
How many total functions are there from setAto setBifjAjD 3 andjBjD 7?

Problem 14.4.
LetXbe the six element setfx 1 ;x 2 ;x 3 ;x 4 ;x 5 ;x 6 g.

(a)How many subsets ofXcontainx 1?

(b)How many subsets ofXcontainx 2 andx 3 but do not containx 6?

Class Problems

Problem 14.5.
A license plate consists of either:

 3 letters followed by 3 digits (standard plate)

 5 letters (vanity plate)

 2 characters—letters or numbers (big shot plate)

LetLbe the set of all possible license plates.
(a)ExpressLin terms of


using unions ([) and set products ().

(b)ComputejLj, the number of different license plates, using the sum and product

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