Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

14.11. References 609

(c)At least 3 people were born on the same day of the week.

(d)At least 4 people were born in the same month.

(e)At least 2 people were born exactly one week apart.

Class Problems

Problem 14.37.
Solve the following problems using the pigeonhole principle. For each problem,
try to identify thepigeons, thepigeonholes, and aruleassigning each pigeon to a

(a)In a certain Institute of Technology, every ID number starts with a 9. Suppose
that each of the 75 students in a class sums the nine digits of their ID number.
Explain why two people must arrive at the same sum.

(b)In every set of 100 integers, there exist two whose difference is a multiple of

(c)For any five points inside a unit square (not on the boundary), there are two
points at distanceless than1=


(d)Show that ifnC 1 numbers are selected fromf1;2;3;:::;2ng, two must be
consecutive, that is, equal tokandkC 1 for somek.

Problem 14.38. (a)Prove that every positive integer divides a number such as 70,
700, 7770, 77000, whose decimal representation consists of one or more 7’s fol-
lowed by one or more 0’s.


(b)Conclude that if a positive number is not divisible by 2 or 5, then it divides a
number whose decimal representation is all 7’s.

Problem 14.39. (a)Show that the Magician could not pull off the trick with a deck
larger than 124 cards.

Hint:Compare the number of 5-card hands in ann-card deck with the number of
4-card sequences.

(b)Show that, in principle, the Magician could pull off the Card Trick with a deck
of 124 cards.

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