Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

14.11. References 623

Hint:LetMbbe the number of menus where, if Doritos appear at all, they only
appear atbreakfast; likewise, forMl;Md.

Homework Problems

Problem 14.66. (a)Find a combinatorial (notalgebraic) proof that


iD 0



D 2 n:

(b)Below is a combinatorial proof of an equation. What is the equation?

Proof.Stinky Peterson ownsnnewts,ttoads, andsslugs. Conveniently, he lives
in a dorm withnCtCsother students. (The students are distinguishable, but
creatures of the same variety are not distinguishable.) Stinky wants to put one
creature in each neighbor’s bed. LetWbe the set of all ways in which this can be

On one hand, he could first determine who gets the slugs. Then, he could decide
who among his remaining neighbors has earned a toad. Therefore,jWjis equal to
the expression on the left.

On the other hand, Stinky could first decide which people deserve newts and slugs
and then, from among those, determine who truly merits a newt. This shows that
jWjis equal to the expression on the right.

Since both expressions are equal tojWj, they must be equal to each other. 

(Combinatorial proofs are real proofs. They are not only rigorous, but also con-
vey an intuitive understanding that a purely algebraic argument might not reveal.
However, combinatorial proofs are usually less colorful than this one.)

Problem 14.67.
Give a combinatorial proof for this identity:


iD 0




kCnC 1
kC 1


Hint:LetSibe the set of binary sequences with exactlynzeroes,kC 1 ones, and
a total of exactlyioccurrences of zeroes appearing before the rightmost occurrence
of a one.

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