Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

18.5. Linearity of Expectation 777

(a)What is the probability that Bruce breaks exactly 2 out of the 5 boards that are
placed before him?

(b)What is the probability that Bruce breaks at most 3 out of the 5 boards that are
placed before him?

(c)What is the expected number of boards Bruce will break?

Problem 18.10.
A news article reporting on the departure of a school official from California to
Alabama dryly commented that this move would raise the average IQ in both states.

Class Problems

Problem 18.11.
Here’s a dice game with maximum payoffk: make three independent rolls of a fair
die, and if you roll a six

 no times, then you lose 1 dollar;

 exactly once, then you win 1 dollar;

 exactly twice, then you win 2 dollars;

 all three times, then you winkdollars.

For what value ofkis this game fair?^6

Problem 18.12. (a)Suppose we flip a fair coin and letNTTbe the number of flips
until the first time two consecutive Tails appear. What is ExŒNTTç?

Hint:LetDbe the tree diagram for this process. Explain whyDcan be described
by the tree in Figure 18.8. Use theLaw of Total Expectation18.4.5.

(b)LetNTHbe the number of flips until a Tail immediately followed by a Head
comes up. What is ExŒNTHç?

(c)Suppose we now play a game: flip a fair coin until eitherTTorTHoccurs.
You win ifTTcomes up first, and lose ifTHcomes up first. SinceTTtakes 50%

(^6) This game is actually offered in casinos withkD 3 , where it is called Carnival Dice.

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