Mathematics for Computer Science

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Chapter 21 Recurrences878

21.3.2 Solving Homogeneous Linear Recurrences

The method we used to solve the Fibonacci recurrence can be extended to solve
any homogeneous linear recurrence; that is, a recurrence of the form

f.n/Da 1 f.n1/Ca 2 f.n2/CCadf.nd/

wherea 1 ;a 2 ;:::;adanddare constants. Substituting the guessf.n/Dxn, as
with the Fibonacci recurrence, gives

xnDa 1 xn^1 Ca 2 xn^2 CCadxnd:

Dividing byxndgives

xdDa 1 xd^1 Ca 2 xd^2 CCad 1 xCad:

This is called thecharacteristic equationof the recurrence. The characteristic equa-
tion can be read off quickly since the coefficients of the equation are the same as
the coefficients of the recurrence.
The solutions to a linear recurrence are defined by the roots of the characteristic
equation. Neglecting boundary conditions for the moment:

 Ifris a nonrepeated root of the characteristic equation, thenrnis a solution
to the recurrence.

 Ifris a repeated root with multiplicitykthenrn,nrn,n^2 rn,... ,nk^1 rn
are all solutions to the recurrence.

Theorem 21.3.1 implies that every linear combination of these solutions is also a
For example, suppose that the characteristic equation of a recurrence has rootss,
t, andutwice. These four roots imply four distinct solutions:

f.n/Dsn f.n/Dtn f.n/Dun f.n/Dnun:

Furthermore, every linear combination

f.n/DasnCbtnCcunCdnun (21.1)

is also a solution.
All that remains is to select a solution consistent with the boundary conditions
by choosing the constants appropriately. Each boundary condition implies a linear
equation involving these constants. So we can determine the constants by solving
a system of linear equations. For example, suppose our boundary conditions were

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